Behavioral peer-to-peer to skill after skill
Our theoretical trainings with application are operational and certifying. They are held in the form of Workshop allowing you to reach the level of Enterprise Excellence in your Transformation and Change Management programs
Excellence Entreprise Assessor
In any organization, Business Excellence is distinguished by a Best Culture founded by Good Behaviors.
To assess on the behavior way to guarantee sustainability and entrenched culture.
You will see immediately if the actions are trues or if people change their behaviors during the assessment.
Executive position, Company manager, Assessor, Sales/purchasing Director, HR function, Finances function, Consultant, Trainer, Investor, Team management …
Business operations, Project management or cross-functional team, change/transformation project, Management experience

Solution Selling 2.0® Basics
Sales, Marketing and Purchasing Team, Marketing/Sales/Purchasing Director, Project Manager, Manager, HR Function, Consultant, Formateur, Coach, Auditor, Executive team
Basics in sales/marketing
CAPEX and Asset Care Foundations
Industrial or financial or investment or utilities manager, Entrepreneur, Project manager, BU manager, Purchasing manager, Accounting, Engineer
Budget management, Inventory, Mastery of Excel (and access), Project management, Functional management, Bases in purchasing,

Maintenance Excellence Lead
Maintenance Excellence means you have no maintenance problems while getting the least maintenance costs, your highest equipment reliability, and the utmost plant availability. Maintenance management mastery requires you to know the best way to design and build the maintenance processes that you need to achieve maintenance excellence.
Industrial and Asset Manager, Engineer, Technical project Manager, Maintenance and Engineering Manager or Supervisor, Operational Manager (production or QHSE), Plant Manager, Technical Support functions
Technical project, Types of maintenance, Budget Management, Technical indicator and experience in machinery, Hierarchical and functional Management
MBTI® Fondamentals
Certifying fundamental training allows you to acquire the skills, know-how and confidence to apply the MBTI model and thus meet the needs of your organization. It allows you to become an expert on Personality Types and know the preferences and those of your contacts to better communicate. You will better appreciate the differences of each with the strengths and points of development.
Cadre, Entrepreneur(e), Chef(fe) de projet., Manager, Commercial(e), Fonction RH.
Aucun prérequis n’est demandé pour participer à cette formation.

Holacracy® Initiation
Persistent and growing chronic difficulties in your organization. It seems that all the management approaches developed in recent decades (coaching, team building, collective intelligence, learning organizations, lean management, agile methods, etc.) are not bearing fruit. “We are seeing an increasingly mobile, changing, precarious, unstable world taking shape. Never will the work of men have evolved as much as they will be modified in the next fifty years “.
Holacracy is the more efficient management system that several organizations are starting to test.
Executive position, HR function, Company manager, Director, Finance function, Consultant, Trainer, Investor, Team management …
Experienced in Hierarchical and functional Management
"CRMP® Maintenance & Reliability
(Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional)
Asset Manager, Project Manager, COO/CTO/CIO, Engineer, Investor, Project Manager, BU Manager, Technical Manager or Maintenance or Engineering, Finance function, Consultant, Trainer, Coach
Experience in a practical environment (asset, factory, manufacturing services or management of customer/supplier services)

Shingo® Discovery Excellence
This foundational introduces the Shingo Model, the Shingo Guiding Principles and the Three Insights to Enterprise Excellence™. With active discussions and on-site learning at a host organization, this program is a highly interactive experience. It is designed to make your learning meaningful and immediately applicable as you discover how to release the latent potential in an organization to achieve enterprise excellence and deliver world class results. It provides the basic understanding needed in all Shingo workshops; therefore, it is a prerequisite to all the other workshops, and concludes with the BUILD EXCELLENCE workshop.
Executive position, Company manager, Assessor, Sales/purchasing Director, HR function, Finance function, Consultant, Trainer, Investor, Team management …
Business operations, Project management or cross-functional team, change/transformation project
"Lean, OpEx Approach – Zero Loss
“Losses” are activities or events that do not add value but have a quantifiable opportunity cost.
Zero Loss is the only approach to guarantee a value add in all activities and events. It’s the right Operational Excellence way for global Business Excellence.
Lean/Performance Manager, Change and Transformation Manager, Board member, Engineer, Project Manager, Operational Manager, Trainer, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach
Black Belt level, Experienced Green Belt, Business Transformation

Tasting and Lean Thinking
Do you intend to start improving processes right away in your own professional environment? Do you want to analyze and optimize your processes? Use the principles of “Lean Management” to recognize and reduce waste in your work? Then Lean Thought training is what you are looking for!
Executive position, Company manager, Sales/Purchasing Director, HR/Finances functions, Investor, Engineer, Consultant, Trainer, All collaborators …
Business operations, Project management or cross-functional team.
"Lean 6σ – Practitioner
Do you support the principle of improvement continue? Do you want to be the engine of change? Do you think that the “Lean Management” philosophy gives you the necessary support points? Then the “Lean Practitioner” training is exactly what you are looking for!
“Focusing on costs lowers quality. Focusing on quality lowers costs”. The Lean practitioner is the engine of Lean improvement projects and their implementation.
Lean/Performance Manager or Supervisor, Change and Transformation Manager , Engineer or Technician, Operational Managers, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach,
Lean Basics , Experienced Project Lead

Lean 6σ – Champion Leader
Are you a leader who wants to learn how to successfully solve process problems? Do you want to concretize the concept of Lean Management? Do you aim to motivate employees in this regard? Where appropriate, Lean Leader training is exactly what you need!
The Lean Leader is the locomotive of the Lean implementation paths. In addition to a great knowledge of Lean improvement techniques, the Lean Leader is also a skilled change manager. By investing time in people, the Lean Leader teaches employees to make continuous improvements.
Lean/Performance Manager, Change and Transformation Manager , Engineer, Operational Managers, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach,
Lean Basics , Experienced Project Management
Lean 6σ – Yellow Belt
Want to get to know the basic ideas of Lean Six Sigma? Do you easily understand what your client is participating in? Do you want to find out what solutions can be offered for the various process problems? Then the Yellow Belt training is exactly what you are looking for!
Lean/Performance Team Leader, Change and Transformation Leader , Engineer and Supervisor, Operational Leader, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach,
Lean Basics, Improvement projects, Experienced Lean practitioner

Lean 6σ – Green Belt
Are you ambitious and do you have very high quality requirements? Are you able to mobilize an entire department? You want to limit yourself to your everyday work, but you also want to take advantage of the process? In this case, the “green belt” training is exactly what you are looking for!
Green Belts are ambitious and can combine their knowledge of Lean Six Sigma and their experience to lead a service towards excellence. For these reasons, a Green Belt training greatly contributes to improving your career prospects.
Lean/Performance Manager, Change and Transformation Manager , Engineer and Supervisor, Operational Managers, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach,
Lean Basics , Yellow Belt level, Yellow Belt projects, Experienced Lean practitioner
Lean 6σ – Black Belt Services
Is process improvement an important part of your job? Do you and your team want to create processes that truly live what the customer expects? Do you want to combine statistics and creativity to get better results? Then the Black Belt services training is exactly what you are looking for!
A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is an expert who optimizes processes by project. Continuously increasing the quality and speed of a process improves customer satisfaction. This keeps the organization competitive and healthy. Experts who master the Lean Six Sigma method are therefore invaluable to organizations.
Lean/Performance Manager, Change and Transformation Manager , Engineer and Admin Manager, Operational Managers, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach, HR and Finances teams
Lean Basics , Green Belt level, Green Belt projects, Experienced Yellow Belt or Lean practitioner

Lean 6σ – Black Belt Industry
Do you work in an industrial environment? Do you have the ambition to get the most out of your processes? Do you and your team want to create processes that truly live what the customer expects? Do you want to combine statistics and creativity to get your result? Then the Black Belt industry training is exactly what you are looking for!
Lean/Performance Manager, Change Manager, Engineer, Project Manager, Operational Manager, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach
Green Belt level, Green Belt projects, Experienced Yellow Belt or Lean practitioner
Lean 6σ – MBB Preparation
A Lean Six Sigma implementation needs a go-getter. This is what the Master Black Belts are for. The Master Black Belts are very experienced Black Belts who have already carried out many projects themselves in different departments and often in several countries. A Master Black Belt also trains Lean Six Sigma Green Belts and Black Belts who in turn take on a project. As coordinator, the Black Belt Master translates the ambitions of the council into concrete projects. The Master Black Belt also reports on the board what the results are and what the green belt and the black belt encounter. Master Black Belt training allows you to fully master this methodology.
Lean/Performance Manager, Change Manager, Engineer, Project Manager, Operational Manager, Consultant, Assessor, Lean Coach
Black Belt level, Black Belt projects, Experienced Green Belt

Supply Chain Management Basics
Manager/Team of Logistics or Supply or Distribution or Storage framework, Investor, Project Manager, Engineer and Supervisor, Sales team, Finance or Purchasing functions, Quality or Customer Services team, Consultant, Assessor, …
Basic principles of the value chain
"Pomodoro and PWO
Pomodoro in the daily work and PWO (Personal Work Organization) for time management
Executive, Assistant/Secretary, Investor, Engineer and Technician, Project Manager, Country/BU Manager, Sales Team, HR / Finance / Purchasing, … All collaborators, Consultant, Coach, Assessor
Knowledge of Microsoft Office

Operational QAQC in Welding/Metallurgy
(Quality Assurance and Quality Control)
Technician and Supervisor and Technical Manager (Maintenance, Engineering, Quality), Project Manager, Engineer, Consultant
Basics of equipment functionality, Bases on types of maintenance, Bases in machining or Welding or any NDT
"Methods and CRL® Reliability
(Certified Reliability Leader)
Technical Supervisor and Manager (Maintenance, Production, Engineering, Quality), Project Manager, Engineer, Consultant
Equipment functionality basics, Basics in maintenance types

Quick Wins – RCA/FMEA and Problem solving
FMECA/(Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis)
Operational supervisor, Operational Manager (Maintenance, Production, Procurement, Quality, Safety,Engineering), Project Manager, RH/Finances Functions.
Collecting evidences and Workshop facilitating
Behavioral 5S (+Safety)
Manager, Engineer or Technician, Project Manager, Operational Manager (production, Quality, Maintenance, Security, …), Operational supervisor, HR / Finance / Purchasing, Coach, Assessor, Trainer
Operational or functional management

Gemba and Kata Coach
Kata is a management approach composed of an improvement routine and a coaching routine. The first is a simple and effective routine to identify the obstacles that prevent reaching the target in line with the vision of the company. It leads us systematically to remove these barriers one at a time through rapid cycles of improvement. The coaching routine and its five questions make it possible to systematically identify lessons learned from each experience carried out. It is associated with Gemba or Lean practices to increase and facilitate profits and allows organizations to better target continuous improvement efforts and support the management system on a daily basis by going to observe in the field, where things happen.
Executive Manger, Manager, Investor, Project Manager, BU Manager, Sales supports, RH/Finance/Procurement Functions, Coach/Consultant, Trainer, Assessor
Hierarchical or Functional Management
Operational Agility
This training will allow you to develop, from the tools and systems of Lean and Agility, a strong managerial posture with added value. You will have new keys to federate, direct and stimulate the collective intelligence of your teams and thus increase their efficiency around good behavior. Above all, your teams will be ready to absorb any change in strategy or any other challenge.
Cadre, Entrepreneur(e), Chef(fe) de projet., Manager, Commercial(e), Fonction RH.
Aucun prérequis n’est demandé pour participer à cette formation.

QHSE Transformation
Cadre, Entrepreneur(e), Chef(fe) de projet., Manager, Commercial(e), Fonction RH.
Aucun prérequis n’est demandé pour participer à cette formation.
"Digital Transformation – Industry 4.0 Basics
Cadre, Entrepreneur(e), Chef(fe) de projet., Manager, Commercial(e), Fonction RH.
Aucun prérequis n’est demandé pour participer à cette formation.

Strategy Framework – Hoshin Kanri
This Hoshin Kanri training is aimed at executives wishing to know the Hoshin Kanri method to pilot the strategic deployment of the company or any member of a team responsible for deploying the Hoshin Kanri process.
Cadre, Entrepreneur(e), Chef(fe) de projet., Manager, Commercial(e), Fonction RH.
PREREQUISITES Aucun prérequis n’est demandé pour participer à cette formation.